Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Morning They Came For Us

The Morning They Came For Us written by Janine Di Giovanni chronicles the war outbreak in Syria through the perspective of four ordinary people, a doctor, nun, musician, and a student. The desperation and heartache of the crisis in this country is shown through the eyes of these four normal people. They witness and experience events that no one should and never will. Instead of hearing of these events through warped news media, the atrocious things that are happening are told from someone who is right in the middle of the madness. What shocked me the most was the violence and harm that people are inflicting on other but have no care for the pain and tragedy that is caused. There are brutal killings, families being ripped apart, and homes burned down leaving the people of Syria with nothing and no where to go. The four perspectives gives a variation of the different types of people that are dealing with the situation. They are all in different stages, occupations, and ages but all share the same country. The thing that really stood out to me as I read this book was the perseverance, strength, and courage that each of these individuals carried. To be so strong and courageous when everything is going utterly wrong simply amazed me. I personally cannot imagine the stress and fear that must be imbedded in these people as tragedy surrounds them. However these four showed such bravery. They showed me the power of perseverance and hope. Even when everything was wrapped in violence, the small glimmer of hope is enough to keep one going. I initially asked myself What was actually going on, who is being affected, what is the background, will it ever end, and why is this all happening? This book definitely answered my first two questions of who and what because of the four main people that the book follows and the events that are described.


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